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Pascal/Delphi Source File  |  1998-09-24  |  95KB  |  1,775 lines

  1. {
  2.     $Id: aopt386.pas,v 1998/04/24 22:24:28 jonas Exp $
  3.     Copyright (c) 1993-98 by Florian Klaempfl and Jonas Maebe
  5.     This unit does optimizations on the assembler code for i386+
  7.     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8.     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  9.     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  10.     (at your option) any later version.
  12.     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  13.     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  15.     GNU General Public License for more details.
  17.     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  18.     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  19.     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  21.  ****************************************************************************
  22. }
  23. Unit aopt386;
  25.   interface
  27.     uses aasm;
  29.     { does simple optimizations like jumps and remove pop/pushes }
  30.     procedure peepholeopt(asml : paasmoutput);
  32.   implementation
  34.     uses
  35.        cobjects,globals,symtable,strings,verbose,hcodegen
  36. {$ifdef i386}
  37.        ,i386
  38.        ,cgi386
  39. {$else}
  40. {$endif}
  41.        ;
  43.   Type
  44. {$ifdef tp}
  45.        TLabelTable = Array[0..10000] Of Pai;
  46. {$else}
  47.        TLabelTable = Array[0..2500000] Of Pai;
  48. {$endif}
  49.        PLabelTable = ^TLabelTable;
  51. Var LoLab, HiLab, LabDif: Longint;
  52.     LTable: PLabelTable;
  54.   Function RefsEqual(const r1,r2 : treference) : boolean;
  56.   begin
  57.      if r1.isintvalue
  58.        then RefsEqual:=r2.isintvalue and (r1.offset=r2.offset)
  59.        else if (r1.offset=r2.offset) and (r1.base=r2.base) and
  60.                (r1.index=r2.index) and (r1.segment=r2.segment) and
  61.                (r1.scalefactor=r2.scalefactor)
  62.               then
  63.                 begin
  64.                   if assigned(r1.symbol)
  65.                     then RefsEqual:=assigned(r2.symbol) and (r1.symbol^=r2.symbol^)
  66.                     else RefsEqual:=not(assigned(r2.symbol));
  67.                 end
  68.               Else RefsEqual := False;
  69.   end;
  71. {$i aopt386.inc}
  72. {aopt386.inc contains the reloading optimizer}
  74.   Function FindLabel(L: PLabel; Var hp: Pai): Boolean;
  76.   {searches for the specified label starting from hp as long as the
  77.    encountered instructions are labels, to be able to optimize constructs like
  79.    jne l2              jmp l2
  80.    jmp l3     and      l1:
  81.    l1:                 l2:
  82.    l2:}
  84.   Var TempP: Pai;
  86.   Begin
  87.     TempP := hp;
  88.     While Assigned(TempP) and (pai(TempP)^.typ = ait_label) Do
  89.       If (pai_label(TempP)^.l <> L)
  90.         Then TempP := Pai(TempP^.next)
  91.         Else
  92.           Begin
  93.             hp := TempP;
  94.             FindLabel := True;
  95.             exit
  96.           End;
  97.     FindLabel := False
  98.   End;
  100.   Function PowerOf2(L: Longint): Longint;
  101.   Var Counter, TempVal: Longint;
  102.   Begin
  103.     TempVal := 1;
  104.     For Counter := 1 to L Do
  105.       TempVal := TempVal * 2;
  106.     PowerOf2 := TempVal;
  107.   End;
  109.   Procedure DoOptimize(asml : paasmoutput);
  111.   var
  112.       p,hp1,hp2 : pai;
  113.       TmpBool1, TmpBool2: Boolean;
  115.       TmpRef: PReference;
  118.     { inserts new_one between prev and foll }
  119.     Procedure InsertLLItem(prev, foll, new_one: PLinkedList_Item);
  120.     Begin
  121.       If Assigned(prev)
  122.         Then
  123.           If Assigned(foll)
  124.             Then
  125.               Begin
  126.                 If Assigned(new_one) Then
  127.                   Begin
  128.                     new_one^.last := prev;
  129.                     new_one^.next := foll;
  130.                     prev^.next := new_one;
  131.                     foll^.last := new_one;
  132.                   End;
  133.               End
  134.             Else AsmL^.Concat(new_one)
  135.         Else If Assigned(Foll) Then AsmL^.Insert(new_one)
  136.     End;
  139.     Function GetNextInstr(hp: Pai): Pai;
  140.     {skips all labels and returns the next "real" instruction; it is assumed
  141.      that hp is of the type ait_label}
  142.     Begin
  143.       While assigned(hp^.next) and (pai(hp^.next)^.typ = ait_label) Do
  144.         hp := pai(hp^.next);
  145.       If assigned(hp^.next)
  146.         Then GetNextInstr := pai(hp^.next)
  147.         Else GetNextInstr := hp;
  148.     End;
  150.     Procedure GetFinalDestination(hp: pai_labeled);
  151.     {traces sucessive jumps to their final destination and sets it, e.g.
  152.     je l1                je l3
  153.     <code>               <code>
  154.     l1:       becomes    l1:
  155.     je l2                je l3
  156.     <code>               <code>
  157.     l2:                  l2:
  158.     jmp l3               jmp l3}
  160.     Var p1: pai;
  162.     Begin
  163.       If (hp^.lab^.nb >= LoLab) and
  164.          (hp^.lab^.nb <= HiLab) and   {range check, necessary?}
  165.          (Pointer(LTable^[hp^.lab^.nb-LoLab]) <> Pointer(0)) Then
  166.         Begin
  167.           p1 := LTable^[hp^.lab^.nb-LoLab]; {the jump's destination}
  168.           p1 := GetNextInstr(p1);
  169.           If (pai(p1)^.typ = ait_labeled_instruction) and
  170.              ((pai_labeled(p1)^._operator = A_JMP) or
  171.               (pai_labeled(p1)^._operator = hp^._operator))
  172.             Then
  173.               Begin
  174.                 GetFinalDestination(pai_labeled(p1));
  175.                 Dec(hp^.lab^.refcount);
  176.                 If (hp^.lab^.refcount = 0) Then
  177.                   hp^.lab^.is_used := False;
  178.                 hp^.lab := pai_labeled(p1)^.lab;
  179.                 Inc(hp^.lab^.refcount);
  180.               End
  181.         End
  182.     End;
  184.     Function IsGP32Reg(Reg: TRegister): Boolean;
  185.     {Checks if the register is a 32 bit general purpose register}
  186.     Begin
  187.       If (Reg >= R_EAX) and (Reg <= R_EBX)
  188.         Then IsGP32Reg := True
  189.         Else IsGP32reg := False
  190.     End;
  192.   type  twowords=record
  193.                 word1,word2:word;
  194.             end;
  196.   begin
  197.     p:=pai(asml^.first);
  198.     while assigned(p) do
  199.        begin
  200.          if (p^.typ=ait_labeled_instruction) then
  201.            begin
  202.   {the following if-block removes all code between a jmp and the next label,
  203.    because it can never be executed}
  204.              If (pai_labeled(p)^._operator = A_JMP) Then
  205.                Begin
  206.                  hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  207.                  While Assigned(hp1) and (hp1^.typ <> ait_label) Do
  208.                    Begin
  209.                      AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  210.                      Dispose(hp1, done);
  211.                      hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  212.                    End;
  213.                End;
  214.              if (assigned(p^.next)) then
  215.                begin
  216.                  hp2 := pai(p^.next^.next);
  217.                  if (pai(p^.next)^.typ=ait_labeled_instruction) and
  218.                     (pai_labeled(p^.next)^._operator=A_JMP) and
  219.                     FindLabel(pai_labeled(p)^.lab, hp2) then
  220.                     begin
  221.                       case pai_labeled(p)^._operator of
  222.                         A_JE : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JNE;
  223.                         A_JNE : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JE;
  224.                         A_JL : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JGE;
  225.                         A_JG : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JLE;
  226.                         A_JLE : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JG;
  227.                         A_JGE : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JL;
  228.                         A_JNZ : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JZ;
  229.                         A_JNO : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JO;
  230.                         A_JZ : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JNZ;
  231.                         A_JS : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JNS;
  232.                         A_JNS : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JS;
  233.                         A_JO : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JNO;
  234.                         A_JC : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JNC;
  235.                         A_JNC : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JC;
  236.                         A_JA : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JBE;
  237.                         A_JAE : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JB;
  238.                         A_JB : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JAE;
  239.                         A_JBE : pai_labeled(p)^._operator:=A_JA;
  240.                         else
  241.                           begin
  242.                             If (LabDif <> 0) Then GetFinalDestination(pai_labeled(p));
  243.                             p:=pai(p^.next);
  244.                             continue;
  245.                           end;
  246.                       end;
  247.                       Dec(pai_label(hp2)^.l^.refcount);
  248.                       If (pai_label(hp2)^.l^.refcount = 0) Then
  249.                         Begin
  250.                           pai_label(hp2)^.l^.is_used := False;
  251.                           AsmL^.remove(hp2);
  252.                           Dispose(hp2, done);
  253.                         End;
  254.                       pai_labeled(p)^.lab:=pai_labeled(p^.next)^.lab;
  255.                       Inc(pai_labeled(p)^.lab^.refcount);
  256.                       hp1:=pai(p^.next);
  257.                       asml^.remove(hp1);
  258.                       dispose(hp1,done);
  259.                       If (LabDif <> 0) Then GetFinalDestination(pai_labeled(p));
  260.                     end
  261.                   else
  262.                     Begin
  263.                       hp2:=pai(p^.next);
  264.                       if FindLabel(pai_labeled(p)^.lab, hp2) then
  265.                         begin
  266.                           hp1:=pai(hp2^.next);
  267.                           asml^.remove(p);
  268.                           dispose(p,done);
  269.                           If Not(pai_label(hp2)^.l^.is_used) Then
  270.                             Begin
  271.                               AsmL^.remove(hp2);
  272.                               Dispose(hp2, done);
  273.                             End;
  274.                           p:=hp1;
  275.                           continue;
  276.                         end;
  277.                       If (LabDif <> 0) Then GetFinalDestination(pai_labeled(p));
  278.                     end;
  279.                end
  280.            end
  281.           else
  282.             if p^.typ=ait_instruction
  283.               Then
  284.                 Begin
  285.                    If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_ref) Then
  286.                      With TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^) Do
  287.                        Begin
  288.                          If (base = R_NO) And
  289.                             (scalefactor = 1)
  290.                            Then
  291.                              Begin
  292.                                base := index;
  293.                                index := r_no
  294.                              End
  295.                        End;
  296.                    If (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_ref) Then
  297.                      With TReference(Pai386(p)^.op2^) Do
  298.                        Begin
  299.                          If (base = R_NO) And
  300.                             (scalefactor = 1)
  301.                            Then
  302.                              Begin
  303.                                base := index;
  304.                                index := r_no
  305.                              End
  306.                        End;
  307.                    Case Pai386(p)^._operator Of
  308.                      A_AND:
  309.                        Begin
  310.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_const) And
  311.                             (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  312.                             Assigned(p^.next) And
  313.                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  314.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_AND) And
  315.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_const) And
  316.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  317.                             (Pai386(p)^.op2 = Pai386(p^.next)^.op2)
  318.                            Then
  319. {change "and const1, reg; and const2, reg" to "and (const1 and const2), reg"}
  320.                              Begin
  321.                                Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) And Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1));
  322.                                hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  323.                                AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  324.                                Dispose(hp1, Done)
  325.                              End;
  326.                          {
  327.                          Else
  328.                            If (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  329.                               Assigned(p^.next) And
  330.                               (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_labeled_instruction)
  331.                              Then Pai386(p)^._operator := A_TEST;
  332.                          change "and x, reg; jxx" to "test x, reg
  333.                          }
  334.                        End;
  335.                      A_CMP:
  336.                        Begin
  337.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_const) And
  338.                             (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  339.                             (Pai386(p)^.op1 = Pointer(0)) Then
  340.                         {change "cmp $0, %reg" to "test %reg, %reg"}
  341.                            Begin
  342.                              Pai386(p)^._operator := A_TEST;
  343.                              Pai386(p)^.opxt := Top_reg+Top_reg shl 4;
  344.                              Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pai386(p)^.op2;
  345.                            End;
  346.                        End;
  347.                      A_FSTP:
  348.                        Begin
  349.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_ref) And
  350.                             Assigned(p^.next) And
  351.                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  352.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_FLD) And
  353.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_ref) And
  354.                             (Pai386(p)^.Size = Pai386(p)^.Size) And
  355.                             RefsEqual(TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^), TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1^))
  356.                            Then
  357.                              Begin
  358.                                hp1 := pai(p^.next^.next);
  359.                                If Assigned(hp1) And
  360.                                   (hp1^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  361.                                   ((Pai386(hp1)^._operator = A_LEAVE) Or
  362.                                    (Pai386(hp1)^._operator = A_RET)) And
  363.                                   (TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^).Base = ProcInfo.FramePointer) And
  364.                                   (TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^).Offset >= ProcInfo.RetOffset) And
  365.                                   (TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^).Index = R_NO)
  366.                                  Then
  367.                                    Begin
  368.                                      hp2 := Pai(p^.next);
  369.                                      AsmL^.Remove(p);
  370.                                      AsmL^.Remove(hp2);
  371.                                      Dispose(p, Done);
  372.                                      Dispose(hp2, Done);
  373.                                      p := hp1;
  374.                                      Continue
  375.                                    End
  376.                                  Else
  377.                                    Begin
  378.                                      Pai386(p)^._operator := A_FST;
  379.                                      hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  380.                                      AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  381.                                      Dispose(hp1, done)
  382.                                    End
  383.                              End;
  384.                        End;
  385.                      A_IMUL:
  386.                        {changes certain "imul const, %reg"'s to lea sequences}
  387.                        Begin
  388.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = Top_Const) And
  389.                             (Pai386(p)^.op2t = Top_Reg) And
  390.                             (Pai386(p)^.Size = S_L) And
  391.                             ((Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_Reg) or
  392.                              (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_None)) And
  393.                             (Opt_Processors < PentiumPro) And
  394.                             (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) <= 12) And
  395.                             Not(CS_LittleSize in AktSwitches) And
  396.                             ((Assigned(p^.next) And
  397.                               Not((Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_labeled_instruction) And
  398.                                   ((pai_labeled(p^.next)^._operator = A_JO) or
  399.                                    (pai_labeled(p^.next)^._operator = A_JNO)))) or
  400.                             Not(Assigned(p^.next))) Then
  401.                            Begin
  402.                              New(TmpRef);
  403.                              TmpRef^.segment := R_DEFAULT_SEG;
  404.                              TmpRef^.symbol := nil;
  405.                              TmpRef^.isintvalue := false;
  406.                              TmpRef^.offset := 0;
  407.                              Case Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) Of
  408.                                3: Begin
  409.                                   {imul 3, reg1, reg2 to
  410.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,2), reg2
  411.                                    imul 3, reg1 to
  412.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,2), reg1}
  413.                                     TmpRef^.base := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  414.                                     TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  415.                                     TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 2;
  416.                                     If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_None)
  417.                                       Then hp1 := New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef, TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)))
  418.                                       Else hp1 := New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  419.                                        TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)));
  420.                                     hp1^.line := p^.line;
  421.                                     InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  422.                                     Dispose(p, Done);
  423.                                     p := hp1;
  424.                                  End;
  425.                                5: Begin
  426.                                   {imul 5, reg1, reg2 to
  427.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,4), reg2
  428.                                    imul 5, reg1 to
  429.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,4), reg1}
  430.                                     TmpRef^.base := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  431.                                     TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  432.                                     TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 4;
  433.                                     If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_None)
  434.                                       Then hp1 := New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef, TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)))
  435.                                       Else hp1 := New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  436.                                        TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)));
  437.                                     hp1^.line:= p^.line;
  438.                                     InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  439.                                     Dispose(p, Done);
  440.                                     p := hp1;
  441.                                   End;
  442.                                6: Begin
  443.                                   {imul 6, reg1, reg2 to
  444.                                      lea (,reg1,2), reg2
  445.                                      lea (reg2,reg1,4), reg2
  446.                                    imul 6, reg1 to
  447.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,2), reg1
  448.                                      add reg1, reg1}
  449.                                     If (Opt_Processors <= i486) Then
  450.                                       Begin
  451.                                         TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  452.                                         If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_Reg)
  453.                                           Then
  454.                                             Begin
  455.                                               TmpRef^.base := TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2);
  456.                                               TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 4;
  457.                                               hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  458.                                                TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)));
  459.                                             End
  460.                                           Else
  461.                                             Begin
  462.                                               Dispose(TmpRef);
  463.                                               hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_reg_reg(A_ADD, S_L,
  464.                                                TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2),TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  465.                                             End;
  466.                                         hp1^.line := p^.line;
  467.                                         InsertLLItem(p, p^.next, hp1);
  468.                                         New(TmpRef);
  469.                                         TmpRef^.segment := R_DEFAULT_SEG;
  470.                                         TmpRef^.symbol := nil;
  471.                                         TmpRef^.isintvalue := false;
  472.                                         TmpRef^.offset := 0;
  473.                                         TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  474.                                         TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 2;
  475.                                         If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_Reg)
  476.                                           Then
  477.                                             Begin
  478.                                               TmpRef^.base := R_NO;
  479.                                               hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  480.                                                 TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)));
  481.                                             End
  482.                                           Else
  483.                                             Begin
  484.                                               TmpRef^.base := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  485.                                               hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef, TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  486.                                             End;
  487.                                         hp1^.line := p^.line;
  488.                                         InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  489.                                         Dispose(p, Done);
  490.                                         p := Pai(hp1^.next);
  491.                                       End
  492.                                      Else Dispose(TmpRef);
  493.                                   End;
  494.                                9: Begin
  495.                                   {imul 9, reg1, reg2 to
  496.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,8), reg2
  497.                                    imul 9, reg1 to
  498.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,8), reg1}
  499.                                     TmpRef^.base := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  500.                                     TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  501.                                     TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 8;
  502.                                     If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_None)
  503.                                       Then hp1 := New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef, TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)))
  504.                                       Else hp1 := New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  505.                                        TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)));
  506.                                     hp1^.line := p^.line;
  507.                                     InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  508.                                     Dispose(p, Done);
  509.                                     p := hp1;
  510.                                   End;
  511.                                10: Begin
  512.                                   {imul 10, reg1, reg2 to
  513.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,4), reg2
  514.                                      add reg2, reg2
  515.                                    imul 10, reg1 to
  516.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,4), reg1
  517.                                      add reg1, reg1}
  518.                                      If (Opt_Processors <= i486) Then
  519.                                        Begin
  520.                                          If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_Reg)
  521.                                            Then
  522.                                              hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_reg_reg(A_ADD, S_L,
  523.                                                 Tregister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2),
  524.                                                 Tregister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)))
  525.                                            Else hp1 := New(Pai386, op_reg_reg(A_ADD, S_L,
  526.                                                     TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2), TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  527.                                          hp1^.line := p^.line;
  528.                                          InsertLLItem(p, p^.next, hp1);
  529.                                          TmpRef^.base := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  530.                                          TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  531.                                          TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 4;
  532.                                          If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_Reg)
  533.                                            Then
  534.                                              hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  535.                                                 TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)))
  536.                                            Else
  537.                                                hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  538.                                                 TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  539.                                          hp1^.line := p^.line;
  540.                                          InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  541.                                          Dispose(p, Done);
  542.                                          p := Pai(hp1^.next);
  543.                                        End
  544.                                      Else Dispose(TmpRef);
  545.                                    End;
  546.                                12: Begin
  547.                                   {imul 12, reg1, reg2 to
  548.                                      lea (,reg1,4), reg2
  549.                                      lea (,reg1,8) reg2
  550.                                    imul 12, reg1 to
  551.                                      lea (reg1,reg1,2), reg1
  552.                                      lea (,reg1,4), reg1}
  553.                                      If (Opt_Processors <= i486) Then
  554.                                        Begin
  555.                                          TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  556.                                          If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_Reg)
  557.                                            Then
  558.                                              Begin
  559.                                                TmpRef^.base := TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2);
  560.                                                TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 8;
  561.                                                hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  562.                                                  TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)));
  563.                                              End
  564.                                            Else
  565.                                              Begin
  566.                                                TmpRef^.base := R_NO;
  567.                                                TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 4;
  568.                                                hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  569.                                                 TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  570.                                              End;
  571.                                          hp1^.line := p^.line;
  572.                                          InsertLLItem(p, p^.next, hp1);
  573.                                          New(TmpRef);
  574.                                          TmpRef^.segment := R_DEFAULT_SEG;
  575.                                          TmpRef^.symbol := nil;
  576.                                          TmpRef^.isintvalue := false;
  577.                                          TmpRef^.offset := 0;
  578.                                          TmpRef^.Index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  579.                                          If (Pai386(p)^.op3t = Top_Reg)
  580.                                            Then
  581.                                               Begin
  582.                                                 TmpRef^.base := R_NO;
  583.                                                 TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 4;
  584.                                                 hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  585.                                                  TRegister(twowords(Pai386(p)^.op2).word2)));
  586.                                              End
  587.                                            Else
  588.                                              Begin
  589.                                                TmpRef^.base := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  590.                                                TmpRef^.ScaleFactor := 2;
  591.                                                hp1 :=  New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  592.                                                 TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  593.                                              End;
  594.                                          hp1^.line := p^.line;
  595.                                          InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  596.                                          Dispose(p, Done);
  597.                                          p := Pai(hp1^.next);
  598.                                        End
  599.                                      Else Dispose(TmpRef);
  600.                                    End
  601.                                  Else Dispose(TmpRef);
  602.                              End;
  603.                            End;
  604.                        End;
  605.                      A_LEA:
  606.                        Begin
  607.                        {changes "lea (%reg1), %reg2" into "mov %reg1, %reg2"}
  608.                          If (PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.Base >= R_EAX) And
  609.                             (PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.Base <= R_EDI) And
  610.                             (PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.Index = R_NO) And
  611.                             (PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.Offset = 0) And
  612.                             (Not(Assigned(PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.Symbol))) Then
  613.                            Begin
  614.                              hp1 := New(Pai386, op_reg_reg(A_MOV, S_L,PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.Base,
  615.                               TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  616.                              hp1^.line := p^.line;
  617.                              InsertLLItem(p^.last,p^.next, hp1);
  618.                              Dispose(p, Done);
  619.                              p := hp1;
  620.                              Continue;
  621.                           End;
  622.                        End;
  623.                      A_MOV:
  624.                        Begin
  625.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  626.                             (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2) In [R_EAX, R_EBX, R_EDX, R_EDI]) And
  627.                             Assigned(p^.next) And
  628.                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  629.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_MOV) And
  630.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_reg) And
  631.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 = Pai386(p)^.op2)
  632.                            Then
  633.                        {we have "mov x, %treg; mov %treg, y}
  634.                              If (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t <> top_reg) Or
  635.                               RegInInstruction(TRegister(Pai386(p^.next)^.op2), Pai(p^.next^.next))
  636.                                Then
  637.                       {we've got "mov x, %treg; mov %treg, y; XXX y" (ie. y is used in
  638.                        the third instruction)}
  639.                                  Case Pai386(p)^.op1t Of
  640.                                    top_reg:
  641.                                  {change "mov %reg, %treg; mov %treg, y"
  642.                                   to "mov %reg, y"}
  643.                                      Begin
  644.                                        Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pai386(p)^.op1;
  645.                                        hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  646.                                        AsmL^.Remove(p);
  647.                                        Dispose(p, Done);
  648.                                        p := hp1;
  649.                                        continue;
  650.                                      End;
  651.                                    top_ref:
  652.                                      If (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg)
  653.                                        Then
  654.                                     {change "mov mem, %treg; mov %treg, %reg"
  655.                                           to "mov mem, %reg"}
  656.                                          Begin
  657.                                            Pai386(p)^.op2 := Pai386(p^.next)^.op2;
  658.                                            hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  659.                                            AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  660.                                            Dispose(hp1, Done);
  661.                                            continue;
  662.                                          End;
  663.                                  End
  664.                                Else
  665.                       {remove an instruction which never makes sense: we've got
  666.                        "mov mem, %reg1; mov %reg1, %edi" and then EDI isn't used anymore!}
  667.                                  Begin
  668.                                    If (TRegister(Pai386(p^.next)^.op2) = R_EDI) And
  669.                                       Not(Assigned(p^.next^.next) And
  670.                                           (Pai(p^.next^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  671.                                           (Pai386(p^.next^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  672.                                           (Pai386(p^.next^.next)^.op2 = Pointer(R_ESI))) Then
  673.                                      Begin
  674.                                        hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  675.                                        AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  676.                                        Dispose(hp1, Done);
  677.                                        Continue;
  678.                                      End
  679.                                  End
  680.                            Else
  681.                          {Change "mov %reg1, %reg2; xxx %reg2, ???" to
  682.                               "mov %reg1, %reg2; xxx %reg1, ???" to
  683.                               avoid a write/read penalty}
  684.                              If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_reg) And
  685.                                 (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  686.                                 Assigned(p^.next) And
  687.                                 (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  688.                                 (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_reg) And
  689.                                 (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 = Pai386(p)^.op2)
  690.                                Then
  691.                          {we have "mov %reg1, %reg2; XXX %reg2, ???"}
  692.                                  Begin
  693.                                    If ((Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_OR) Or
  694.                                        (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_TEST)) And
  695.                                       (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  696.                                       (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 = Pai386(p^.next)^.op2)
  697.                                      Then
  698.                           {we have "mov %reg1, %reg2; test/or %reg2, %reg2"}
  699.                                        Begin
  700.                                          If Assigned(p^.next^.next) And
  701.                                             (Pai(p^.next^.next)^.typ = ait_labeled_instruction) And
  702.                                             (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2) <> R_ESI)
  703.                                            Then
  704.                             {change "mov %reg1, %reg2; test/or %reg2, %reg2; jxx" to
  705.                                  "test %reg1, %reg1; jxx"}
  706.                                              Begin
  707.                                                hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  708.                                                Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pai386(p)^.op1;
  709.                                                Pai386(hp1)^.op2 := Pai386(p)^.op1;
  710.                                                AsmL^.Remove(p);
  711.                                                Dispose(p, done);
  712.                                                p := hp1;
  713.                                                continue
  714.                                              End
  715.                                            Else
  716.                              {change "mov %reg1, %reg2; test/or %reg2, %reg2" to
  717.                               "mov %reg1, %reg2; test/or %reg1, %reg1"}
  718.                                              Begin
  719.                                                Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pai386(p)^.op1;
  720.                                                Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 := Pai386(p)^.op1;
  721.                                              End;
  722.                                        End
  723.                                      Else
  724. {                                      If (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator
  725.                                           In [A_PUSH, A_OR, A_XOR, A_AND, A_TEST])}
  726.                              {change "mov %reg1, %reg2; push/or/xor/... %reg2, ???" to
  727.                               "mov %reg1, %reg2; push/or/xor/... %reg1, ???"}
  728.                                  End
  729.                                Else
  730.                          {leave out the mov from "mov reg, x(%frame_pointer); leave/ret" (with
  731.                           x >= RetOffset) as it doesn't do anything (it writes either to a
  732.                           parameter or to the temporary storage room for the function
  733.                       result)}
  734.                                  If Assigned(p^.next) And
  735.                                     (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction)
  736.                                    Then
  737.                                      If ((Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_LEAVE) Or
  738.                                          (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_RET)) And
  739.                                         (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_ref) And
  740.                                         (TReference(Pai386(p)^.op2^).base = ProcInfo.FramePointer) And
  741.                                         (TReference(Pai386(p)^.op2^).offset >= ProcInfo.RetOffset) And
  742.                                         (TReference(Pai386(p)^.op2^).index = R_NO) And
  743.                                         (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_reg)
  744.                                        Then
  745.                                          Begin
  746.                                           hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  747.                                           AsmL^.Remove(p);
  748.                                           Dispose(p, done);
  749.                                           p := hp1;
  750.                                         End
  751.                                       Else
  752.                                         If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_reg) And
  753.                                            (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_ref) And
  754.                                            (Pai386(p)^.Size = Pai386(p^.next)^.Size) And
  755.                                            (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_CMP) And
  756.                                            (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_ref) And
  757.                                            RefsEqual(TReference(Pai386(p)^.op2^),
  758.                                                      TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op2^))
  759.                                           Then
  760.                    {change "mov reg, mem1; cmp x, mem1" to "mov reg, mem1; cmp x, reg1"}
  761.                                             Begin
  762.                                               Dispose(PReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op2));
  763.                                               Pai386(p^.next)^.opxt := Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t + (top_reg shl 4);
  764.                                               Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 := Pai386(p)^.op1
  765.                                             End;
  766.                        { Next instruction is also a MOV ? }
  767.                          If assigned(p^.next) and
  768.                             (pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) and
  769.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_MOV)
  770.                            Then
  771.                              Begin
  772.                                { Removes the second statement from
  773.                                    mov %reg, mem
  774.                                    mov mem, %reg }
  775.                                If (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = Pai386(p)^.op2t) and
  776.                                   (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = Pai386(p)^.op1t) Then
  777.                                 Begin
  778.                                   If (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_ref) Then
  779.                                    TmpBool1 := RefsEqual(TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op2^), TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^))
  780.                                   Else
  781.                                    TmpBool1 := Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op1;
  782.                                   If TmpBool1
  783.                                     Then
  784.                                       Begin
  785.                                         If (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_ref)
  786.                                           Then
  787.                                             TmpBool1 := RefsEqual(TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1^),
  788.                                                                   TReference(Pai386(p)^.op2^))
  789.                                           Else TmpBool1 := (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 = Pai386(p)^.op2);
  790.                                         If TmpBool1 Then
  791.                                           Begin
  792.                                             hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  793.                                             AsmL^.remove(hp1);
  794.                                             Dispose(hp1,done);
  795.                                           End;
  796.                                       End
  797.                                     Else
  798.                                       Begin
  799.                                         hp1 := pai(p^.next^.next);
  800.                                         If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_ref) And
  801.                                            (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  802.                                            (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_reg) And
  803.                                            (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 = Pai386(p)^.op2) And
  804.                                            (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_ref) And
  805.                                            Assigned(hp1) And
  806.                                            (Pai(hp1)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  807.                                            (Pai386(hp1)^._operator = A_MOV) And
  808.                                            (Pai386(hp1)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  809.                                            (Pai386(hp1)^.op1t = top_ref) And
  810.                                            RefsEqual(TReference(Pai386(hp1)^.op1^),
  811.                                                      TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op2^))
  812.                                           Then
  813.                                      {   mov mem1, reg1
  814.                                          mov reg1, mem2
  815.                                          mov mem2, reg2
  816.                                       to:
  817.                                          mov mem1, reg2
  818.                                          mov reg2, mem2}
  819.                                             If (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2) <> R_ESI)
  820.                                               Then
  821.                                                 Begin
  822.                                                   Pai386(p)^.op2 := Pai386(hp1)^.op2;
  823.                                                   Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pai386(hp1)^.op2;
  824.                                                   AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  825.                                                   Dispose(hp1,Done);
  826.                                                 End
  827.                                               Else
  828.                                      {   mov mem1, esi
  829.                                          mov esi, mem2
  830.                                          mov mem2, reg2
  831.                                       to:
  832.                                          mov mem1, esi
  833.                                          mov mem1, reg2
  834.                                          mov esi, mem2}
  835.                                                 Begin
  836.                                                   Pai386(p^.next)^.opxt := top_ref + top_reg shl 4;
  837.                                                   Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pai386(p)^.op2;
  838.                                                   TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1^) := TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^);
  839.                                                   Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 := Pai386(hp1)^.op2;
  840.                                                   Pai386(hp1)^.opxt := top_reg + top_ref shl 4;
  841.                                                   Pai386(hp1)^.op2 := Pai386(hp1)^.op1;
  842.                                                   Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(R_ESI)
  843.                                                 End;
  844.                                       End;
  845.                                 End
  846.                                Else
  847. (*                               {   movl [mem1],reg1
  848.                                    movl [mem1],reg2
  849.                                 to:
  850.                                    movl [mem1],reg1
  851.                                    movl reg1,reg2 }
  852.                                 If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_ref) and
  853.                                    (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) and
  854.                                    (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_ref) and
  855.                                    (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) and
  856.                                    (Pai386(p)^.size = Pai386(p^.next)^.size) and
  857.                                    RefsEqual(TReference(Pai386(p)^.op1^),TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1^)) and
  858.                                    (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)<>TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1^).base) and
  859.                                    (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)<>TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1^).index) then
  860.                                   Begin
  861.                                     Dispose(PReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1));
  862.                                     Pai386(p^.next)^.op1:=Pai386(p)^.op2;
  863.                                     Pai386(p^.next)^.opxt:=Top_reg+Top_reg shl 4;
  864.                                   End
  865.                                Else*)
  866.                                {   movl const1,[mem1]
  867.                                    movl [mem1],reg1
  868.                                 to:
  869.                                    movl const1,reg1
  870.                                    movl reg1,[mem1] }
  871.                                 If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_const) and
  872.                                    (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_ref) and
  873.                                    (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_ref) and
  874.                                    (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) and
  875.                                    (Pai386(p)^.size = Pai386(p^.next)^.size) and
  876.                                    RefsEqual(TReference(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1^),TReference(Pai386(p)^.op2^)) then
  877.                                   Begin
  878.                                     Pai386(p^.next)^.op1:=Pai386(p^.next)^.op2;
  879.                                     Pai386(p^.next)^.op2:=Pai386(p)^.op2;
  880.                                     Pai386(p^.next)^.opxt:=Top_reg+Top_ref shl 4;
  881.                                     Pai386(p)^.op2:=Pai386(p^.next)^.op1;
  882.                                     Pai386(p)^.opxt:=Top_const+(top_reg shl 4);
  883.                                   End
  884.                              End;
  885.                            {changes "mov $0, %reg" into "xor %reg, %reg"}
  886.                            If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = Top_Const) And
  887.                               (Pai386(p)^.op1 = Pointer(0)) And
  888.                               (Pai386(p)^.op2t = Top_Reg)
  889.                              Then
  890.                                Begin
  891.                                  Pai386(p)^._operator := A_XOR;
  892.                                  Pai386(p)^.opxt := Top_Reg+Top_reg shl 4;
  893.                                  Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pai386(p)^.op2;
  894.                                End;
  895.                        End;
  896.                      A_MOVZX:
  897.                        Begin
  898.                        {removes superfluous And's after movzx's}
  899.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  900.                             Assigned(p^.next) And
  901.                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  902.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_AND) And
  903.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_const) And
  904.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  905.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op2)
  906.                            Then
  907.                              Case Pai386(p)^.Size Of
  908.                                S_BL, S_BW:
  909.                                  If (Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1) = $ff)
  910.                                    Then
  911.                                      Begin
  912.                                        hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  913.                                        AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  914.                                        Dispose(hp1, Done);
  915.                                      End;
  916.                                S_WL:
  917.                                  If (Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1) = $ffff)
  918.                                    Then
  919.                                      Begin
  920.                                        hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  921.                                        AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  922.                                        Dispose(hp1, Done);
  923.                                      End;
  924.                              End;
  925.                        {changes some movzx constructs to faster synonims (all examples
  926.                         are given with eax/ax, but are also valid for other registers)}
  927.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) Then
  928.                            If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_reg)
  929.                              Then
  930.                                 Case Pai386(p)^.size of
  931.                                   S_BW:
  932.                                     Begin
  933.                                       If (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op1) = Reg16ToReg8(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2))) And
  934.                                          Not(CS_LittleSize In AktSwitches)
  935.                                         Then
  936.                                           {Change "movzbw %al, %ax" to "andw $0x0ffh, %ax"}
  937.                                           Begin
  938.                                             Pai386(p)^._operator := A_AND;
  939.                                             Pai386(p)^.opxt := top_const+Top_reg shl 4;
  940.                                             Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) := $ff;
  941.                                             Pai386(p)^.Size := S_W
  942.                                           End
  943.                                         Else
  944.                                           If Assigned(p^.next) And
  945.                                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  946.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_AND) And
  947.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_const) And
  948.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  949.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op2)
  950.                                               Then
  951.                                                 {Change "movzbw %reg1, %reg2; andw $const, %reg2"
  952.                                                  to "movw %reg1, reg2; andw $(const1 and $ff), %reg2"}
  953.                                                 Begin
  954.                                                   Pai386(p)^._operator := A_MOV;
  955.                                                   Pai386(p)^.Size := S_W;
  956.                                                   Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(Reg8ToReg16(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op1)));
  957.                                                   Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1)
  958.                                                                           And $ff);
  959.                                                 End;
  960.                                     End;
  961.                                   S_BL:
  962.                                     Begin
  963.                                       If (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op1) = Reg32ToReg8(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2))) And
  964.                                          Not(CS_LittleSize in AktSwitches)
  965.                                         Then
  966.                                           {Change "movzbl %al, %eax" to "andl $0x0ffh, %eax"}
  967.                                           Begin
  968.                                             Pai386(p)^._operator := A_AND;
  969.                                             Pai386(p)^.opxt := top_const+Top_reg shl 4;
  970.                                             Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) := $ff;
  971.                                             Pai386(p)^.Size := S_L;
  972.                                           End
  973.                                         Else
  974.                                           If Assigned(p^.next) And
  975.                                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  976.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_AND) And
  977.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_const) And
  978.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  979.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op2)
  980.                                               Then
  981.                                                 {Change "movzbl %reg1, %reg2; andl $const, %reg2"
  982.                                                  to "movl %reg1, reg2; andl $(const1 and $ff), %reg2"}
  983.                                                 Begin
  984.                                                   Pai386(p)^._operator := A_MOV;
  985.                                                   Pai386(p)^.Size := S_L;
  986.                                                   Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(Reg8ToReg32(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op1)));
  987.                                                   Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1)
  988.                                                                           And $ff);
  989.                                                 End
  990.                                               Else
  991.                                                 If IsGP32Reg(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)) And
  992.                                                    Not(CS_LittleSize in AktSwitches) And
  993.                                                    (Opt_Processors >= Pentium) And
  994.                                                    (Opt_Processors < PentiumPro)
  995.                                                    Then
  996.                                                      {Change "movzbl %reg1, %reg2" to
  997.                                                       "xorl %reg2, %reg2; movb %reg1, %reg2" for Pentium and
  998.                                                        PentiumMMX}
  999.                                                      Begin
  1000.                                                        hp1 := New(Pai386, op_reg_reg(A_XOR, S_L,
  1001.                                                                   TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2),
  1002.                                                                   TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  1003.                                                        hp1^.line := p^.line;
  1004.                                                        InsertLLItem(p^.last, p, hp1);
  1005.                                                        Pai386(p)^._operator := A_MOV;
  1006.                                                        Pai386(p)^.size := S_B;
  1007.                                                        Pai386(p)^.op2 :=
  1008.                                                            Pointer(Reg32ToReg8(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  1009.                                                        InsertLLItem(p, p^.next, hp2);
  1010.                                                      End;
  1011.                                     End;
  1012.                                   S_WL:
  1013.                                     Begin
  1014.                                       If (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op1) = Reg32ToReg16(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2))) And
  1015.                                          Not(CS_LittleSize In AktSwitches)
  1016.                                         Then
  1017.                                           {Change "movzwl %ax, %eax" to "andl $0x0ffffh, %eax"}
  1018.                                           Begin
  1019.                                             Pai386(p)^._operator := A_AND;
  1020.                                             Pai386(p)^.opxt := top_const+Top_reg shl 4;
  1021.                                             Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) := $ffff;
  1022.                                             Pai386(p)^.Size := S_L
  1023.                                           End
  1024.                                         Else
  1025.                                           If Assigned(p^.next) And
  1026.                                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  1027.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_AND) And
  1028.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_const) And
  1029.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  1030.                                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op2)
  1031.                                               Then
  1032.                                                 {Change "movzwl %reg1, %reg2; andl $const, %reg2"
  1033.                                                  to "movl %reg1, reg2; andl $(const1 and $ffff), %reg2"}
  1034.                                                 Begin
  1035.                                                   Pai386(p)^._operator := A_MOV;
  1036.                                                   Pai386(p)^.Size := S_L;
  1037.                                                   Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(Reg16ToReg32(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op1)));
  1038.                                                   Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1)
  1039.                                                                           And $ffff);
  1040.                                                 End;
  1041.                                     End;
  1042.                                 End
  1043.                              Else
  1044.                                If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_ref) Then
  1045.                                   Begin
  1046.                                     If (PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.base <> TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)) And
  1047.                                        (PReference(Pai386(p)^.op1)^.index <> TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)) And
  1048.                                        Not(CS_LittleSize in AktSwitches) And
  1049.                                        IsGP32Reg(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)) And
  1050.                                        (Opt_Processors >= Pentium) And
  1051.                                        (Opt_Processors < PentiumPro) And
  1052.                                        (Pai386(p)^.Size = S_BL)
  1053.                                          Then
  1054.                                            {changes "movzbl mem, %reg" to "xorl %reg, %reg; movb mem, %reg8" for
  1055.                                             Pentium and PentiumMMX}
  1056.                                            Begin
  1057.                                              hp1 := New(Pai386,op_reg_reg(A_XOR, S_L, TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2),
  1058.                                              TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  1059.                                              hp1^.line := p^.line;
  1060.                                              Pai386(p)^._operator := A_MOV;
  1061.                                              Pai386(p)^.size := S_B;
  1062.                                              Pai386(p)^.op2 := Pointer(Reg32ToReg8(TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  1063.                                              InsertLLItem(p^.last, p, hp1);
  1064.                                            End
  1065.                                          Else
  1066.                                            If Assigned(p^.next) And
  1067.                                               (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  1068.                                               (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_AND) And
  1069.                                               (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = Top_Const) And
  1070.                                               (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = Top_Reg) And
  1071.                                               (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op2) Then
  1072.                                                 Begin
  1073.                                                   Pai386(p)^._operator := A_MOV;
  1074.                                                   Case Pai386(p)^.Size Of
  1075.                                                     S_BL:
  1076.                                                       Begin
  1077.                                                         Pai386(p)^.Size := S_L;
  1078.                                                         Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1)
  1079.                                                                                 And $ff);
  1080.                                                       End;
  1081.                                                     S_WL:
  1082.                                                       Begin
  1083.                                                         Pai386(p)^.Size := S_L;
  1084.                                                         Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1)
  1085.                                                                                         And $ffff);
  1086.                                                       End;
  1087.                                                     S_BW:
  1088.                                                       Begin
  1089.                                                         Pai386(p)^.Size := S_W;
  1090.                                                         Pai386(p^.next)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1)
  1091.                                                                                 And $ff);
  1092.                                                       End;
  1093.                                                   End;
  1094.                                                 End;
  1095.                                         End;
  1096.                        End;
  1097.                      A_POP:
  1098.                        Begin
  1099.                          if (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_reg) And
  1100.                             (assigned(p^.next)) and
  1101.                             (pai(p^.next)^.typ=ait_instruction) and
  1102.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator=A_PUSH) and
  1103.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = top_reg) And
  1104.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1=Pai386(p)^.op1) then
  1105.                               begin
  1106.                                 hp2:=pai(p^.next^.next);
  1107.                                 hp1:=pai(p^.next);
  1108.                                 asml^.remove(p);
  1109.                                 asml^.remove(hp1);
  1110.                                 dispose(p,done);
  1111.                                 dispose(hp1,done);
  1112.                                 p:=hp2;
  1113.                                 continue;
  1114. {                                Pai386(p)^._operator := A_MOV;
  1115.                                 Pai386(p)^.op2 := Pai386(p)^.op1;
  1116.                                 Pai386(p)^.opxt := top_ref + top_reg shl 4;
  1117.                                 New(TmpRef);
  1118.                                 TmpRef^.segment := R_DEFAULT_SEG;
  1119.                                 TmpRef^.base := R_ESP;
  1120.                                 TmpRef^.index := R_NO;
  1121.                                 TmpRef^.scalefactor := 1;
  1122.                                 TmpRef^.symbol := nil;
  1123.                                 TmpRef^.isintvalue := false;
  1124.                                 TmpRef^.offset := 0;
  1125.                                 Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(TmpRef);
  1126.                                 hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  1127.                                 AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  1128.                                 Dispose(hp1, Done)}
  1129.                               end;
  1130.                        end;
  1131.                      A_PUSH:
  1132.                        Begin
  1133.                          If (Pai386(p)^.size = S_W) And
  1134.                             (Pai386(p)^.op1t = Top_Const) And
  1135.                             Assigned(p^.next) And
  1136.                             (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  1137.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_PUSH) And
  1138.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = Top_Const) And
  1139.                             (Pai386(p^.next)^.size = S_W) Then
  1140.                               Begin
  1141.                                 hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  1142.                                 Pai386(p)^.Size := S_L;
  1143.                                 Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) shl 16 + Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1));
  1144.                                 AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  1145.                                 Dispose(hp1, Done)
  1146.                               End;
  1147.                        End;
  1148.                      A_SHL, A_SAL:
  1149.                        Begin
  1150.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = Top_Const) And
  1151.                             (Pai386(p)^.op2t = Top_Reg) And
  1152.                             (Pai386(p)^.Size = S_L) And
  1153.                             (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) <= 3)
  1154.                        {Changes "shl const, %reg32; add const/reg, %reg32" to one lea statement}
  1155.                            Then
  1156.                              Begin
  1157.                                TmpBool1 := True; {should we check the next instruction?}
  1158.                                TmpBool2 := False; {have we found an add/sub which could be
  1159.                                                    integrated in the lea?}
  1160.                                New(TmpRef);
  1161.                                TmpRef^.segment := R_DEFAULT_SEG;
  1162.                                TmpRef^.base := R_NO;
  1163.                                TmpRef^.index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  1164.                                TmpRef^.scalefactor := PowerOf2(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1));
  1165.                                TmpRef^.symbol := nil;
  1166.                                TmpRef^.isintvalue := false;
  1167.                                TmpRef^.offset := 0;
  1168.                                While  TmpBool1 And
  1169.                                       Assigned(p^.next) And
  1170.                                       (Pai(p^.next)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  1171.                                       ((Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_ADD) Or
  1172.                                        (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_SUB)) And
  1173.                                       (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2t = Top_Reg) And
  1174.                                       (Pai386(p^.next)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op2) Do
  1175.                                   Begin
  1176.                                     TmpBool1 := False;
  1177.                                     If (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = Top_Const)
  1178.                                       Then
  1179.                                         Begin
  1180.                                           TmpBool1 := True;
  1181.                                           TmpBool2 := True;
  1182.                                           If Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_ADD
  1183.                                             Then Inc(TmpRef^.offset, Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1))
  1184.                                             Else Dec(TmpRef^.offset, Longint(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1));
  1185.                                           hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  1186.                                           AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  1187.                                           Dispose(hp1, Done);
  1188.                                         End
  1189.                                       Else
  1190.                                         If (Pai386(p^.next)^.op1t = Top_Reg) And
  1191.                                            (Pai386(p^.next)^._operator = A_ADD) And
  1192.                                            (TmpRef^.base = R_NO) Then
  1193.                                           Begin
  1194.                                             TmpBool1 := True;
  1195.                                             TmpBool2 := True;
  1196.                                             TmpRef^.base := TRegister(Pai386(p^.next)^.op1);
  1197.                                             hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  1198.                                             AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  1199.                                             Dispose(hp1, Done);
  1200.                                           End;
  1201.                                   End;
  1202.                                 If TmpBool2 Or
  1203.                                    ((Opt_Processors < PentiumPro) And
  1204.                                     (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) <= 3) And
  1205.                                     Not(CS_LittleSize in AktSwitches))
  1206.                                    Then
  1207.                                      Begin
  1208.                                        If Not(TmpBool2) And
  1209.                                          (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) = 1)
  1210.                                          Then
  1211.                                            Begin
  1212.                                              Dispose(TmpRef);
  1213.                                              hp1 := new(Pai386,op_reg_reg(A_ADD,Pai386(p)^.Size,
  1214.                                                         TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2), TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)))
  1215.                                            End
  1216.                                          Else hp1 := New(Pai386, op_ref_reg(A_LEA, S_L, TmpRef,
  1217.                                                          TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  1218.                                        hp1^.line := p^.line;
  1219.                                        InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  1220.                                        Dispose(p, Done);
  1221.                                        p := hp1;
  1222.                                      End;
  1223.                              End
  1224.                            Else
  1225.                              If (Opt_Processors < PentiumPro) And
  1226.                                 (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_const) And
  1227.                                 (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) Then
  1228.                                If (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) = 1)
  1229.                                  Then
  1230.                            {changes "shl $1, %reg" to "add %reg, %reg", which
  1231.                             is the same on a 386, but faster on a 486, and pairable in both U and V
  1232.                             pipes on the Pentium (unlike shl, which is only pairable in the U pipe)}
  1233.                                    Begin
  1234.                                      hp1 := new(Pai386,op_reg_reg(A_ADD,Pai386(p)^.Size,
  1235.                                                 TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2), TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  1236.                                      hp1^.line := p^.line;
  1237.                                      InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  1238.                                      Dispose(p, done);
  1239.                                      p := hp1;
  1240.                                    End
  1241.                                  Else If (Pai386(p)^.size = S_L) and
  1242.                                          (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) <= 3) Then
  1243.                            {changes "shl $2, %reg" to "lea (,%reg,4), %reg"
  1244.                                     "shl $3, %reg" to "lea (,%reg,8), %reg}
  1245.                                           Begin
  1246.                                             New(TmpRef);
  1247.                                             TmpRef^.segment := R_DEFAULT_SEG;
  1248.                                             TmpRef^.base := R_NO;
  1249.                                             TmpRef^.index := TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2);
  1250.                                             TmpRef^.scalefactor := PowerOf2(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1));
  1251.                                             TmpRef^.symbol := nil;
  1252.                                             TmpRef^.isintvalue := false;
  1253.                                             TmpRef^.offset := 0;
  1254.                                             hp1 := new(Pai386,op_ref_reg(A_LEA,S_L,TmpRef, TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2)));
  1255.                                             hp1^.line := p^.line;
  1256.                                             InsertLLItem(p^.last, p^.next, hp1);
  1257.                                             Dispose(p, done);
  1258.                                             p := hp1;
  1259.                                           End
  1260.                         End;
  1261.                      A_SAR, A_SHR:
  1262.                          {changes the code sequence
  1263.                           shr/sar const1, %reg
  1264.                           shl     const2, %reg
  1265.                           to either "sar/and", "shl/and" or just "and" depending on const1 and const2}
  1266.                        Begin
  1267.                          hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  1268.                          If Assigned(hp1) and
  1269.                             (pai(hp1)^.typ = ait_instruction) and
  1270.                             (Pai386(hp1)^._operator = A_SHL) and
  1271.                             (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_const) and
  1272.                             (Pai386(hp1)^.op1t = top_const) Then
  1273.                               If (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) > Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1)) Then
  1274.                                 If (Pai386(p)^.op2t = Top_reg) And
  1275.                                    Not(CS_LittleSize In AktSwitches) And
  1276.                                    ((Pai386(p)^.Size = S_B) Or
  1277.                                     (Pai386(p)^.Size = S_L))
  1278.                                     Then
  1279.                                       Begin
  1280.                                         Dec(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1), Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1));
  1281.                                         Pai386(hp1)^._operator := A_And;
  1282.                                         Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(PowerOf2(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1))-1);
  1283.                                         If (Pai386(p)^.Size = S_L)
  1284.                                           Then Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1) Xor $ffffffff)
  1285.                                           Else Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1) Xor $ff);
  1286.                                       End
  1287.                                     Else
  1288.                                       If (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) < Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1)) Then
  1289.                                         If (Pai386(p)^.op2t = Top_reg) And
  1290.                                           Not(CS_LittleSize In AktSwitches) And
  1291.                                           ((Pai386(p)^.Size = S_B) Or
  1292.                                            (Pai386(p)^.Size = S_L))
  1293.                                            Then
  1294.                                              Begin
  1295.                                                Dec(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1), Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1));
  1296.                                                Pai386(p)^._operator := A_And;
  1297.                                                Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(PowerOf2(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1))-1);
  1298.                                                If (Pai386(p)^.Size = S_L)
  1299.                                                  Then Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1) Xor $ffffffff)
  1300.                                                  Else Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1) Xor $ff);
  1301.                                              End
  1302.                                            Else
  1303.                                              Begin
  1304.                                                Pai386(p)^._operator := A_And;
  1305.                                                Pai386(p)^.op1 := Pointer(PowerOf2(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1))-1);
  1306.                                                Case Pai386(p)^.Size Of
  1307.                                                  S_B: Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1) Xor $ff);
  1308.                                                  S_W: Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1) Xor $ffff);
  1309.                                                  S_L: Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1) Xor
  1310.                                                    $ffffffff);
  1311.                                                End;
  1312.                                                AsmL^.remove(hp1);
  1313.                                                dispose(hp1, done);
  1314.                                              End;
  1315.                        End;
  1316.                      A_SUB:
  1317.                        {change "subl $2, %esp; pushw x" to "pushl x"}
  1318.                        Begin
  1319.                          If (Pai386(p)^.op1t = top_const) And
  1320.                             (Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1) = 2) And
  1321.                             (Pai386(p)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  1322.                             (TRegister(Pai386(p)^.op2) = R_ESP)
  1323.                            Then
  1324.                              Begin
  1325.                                hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  1326.                                While Assigned(hp1) And
  1327.                                      (Pai(hp1)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  1328.                                      (Pai386(hp1)^._operator <> A_PUSH) And
  1329.                                      (Pai386(hp1)^._operator <> A_CALL) Do
  1330.                                  hp1 := Pai(hp1^.next);
  1331.                                If Assigned(hp1) And
  1332.                                   (Pai(hp1)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  1333.                                   (Pai386(hp1)^._operator = A_PUSH) And
  1334.                                   (Pai386(hp1)^.Size = S_W)
  1335.                                 Then
  1336.                                   Begin
  1337.                                     Pai386(hp1)^.size := S_L;
  1338.                                     If (Pai386(hp1)^.op1t = top_reg) Then
  1339.                                       Pai386(hp1)^.op1 := Pointer(Reg16ToReg32(TRegister(Pai386(hp1)^.op1)));
  1340.                                     hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  1341.                                     AsmL^.Remove(p);
  1342.                                     Dispose(p, Done);
  1343.                                     p := hp1;
  1344.                                     Continue
  1345.                                   End
  1346.                                 Else
  1347.                                   If Assigned(p^.last) And
  1348.                                      (Pai(p^.last)^.typ = ait_instruction) And
  1349.                                      (Pai386(p^.last)^._operator = A_SUB) And
  1350.                                      (Pai386(p^.last)^.op1t = top_const) And
  1351.                                      (Pai386(p^.last)^.op2t = top_reg) And
  1352.                                      (TRegister(Pai386(p^.last)^.Op2) = R_ESP)
  1353.                                     Then
  1354.                                       Begin
  1355.                                         hp1 := Pai(p^.last);
  1356.                                         Inc(Longint(Pai386(p)^.op1), Longint(Pai386(hp1)^.op1));
  1357.                                         AsmL^.Remove(hp1);
  1358.                                         Dispose(hp1, Done);
  1359.                                       End;
  1360.                              End;
  1361.                        End;
  1362.                      A_TEST, A_OR:
  1363.                        {removes the line marked with (x) from the sequence
  1364.                         And/or/xor/add/sub/... $x, %y
  1365.                         test/or %y, %y   (x)
  1366.                         j(n)z _Label
  1368.                         as the first instruction already adjusts the ZF}
  1369.                         Begin
  1370.                           If (Pai386(p)^.op1 = Pai386(p)^.op2) And
  1371.                              (assigned(p^.last)) And
  1372.                              (pai(p^.last)^.typ = ait_instruction) Then
  1373.                              Case Pai386(p^.last)^._operator Of
  1374.                                A_ADD, A_SUB, A_OR, A_XOR, A_AND, A_SHL, A_SHR:
  1375.                                {There are probably more instructions which can be included}
  1376.                                  Begin
  1377.                                    If (Pai386(p^.last)^.op2 = Pai386(p)^.op1) Then
  1378.                                      Begin
  1379.                                        hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  1380.                                        asml^.remove(p);
  1381.                                        dispose(p, done);
  1382.                                        p := pai(hp1);
  1383.                                        continue
  1384.                                      End;
  1385.                                  End;
  1386.                                A_DEC, A_INC, A_NEG:
  1387.                                  Begin
  1388.                                    If (Pai386(p^.last)^.op1 = Pai386(p)^.op1) Then
  1389.                                      Begin
  1390.                                        hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  1391.                                        asml^.remove(p);
  1392.                                        dispose(p, done);
  1393.                                        p := pai(hp1);
  1394.                                        continue
  1395.                                      End;
  1396.                                  End
  1397.                              End;
  1398.                         End;
  1399.                    End;
  1400.                 End
  1401.               Else
  1402.                 If (Pai(p)^.typ = ait_label)
  1403.                   Then
  1404.                     If Not(Pai_Label(p)^.l^.is_used)
  1405.                       Then
  1406.                         Begin
  1407.                           hp1 := Pai(p^.next);
  1408.                           AsmL^.Remove(p);
  1409.                           Dispose(p, Done);
  1410.                           p := hp1;
  1411.                           Continue
  1412.                         End;
  1413.          p:=pai(p^.next);
  1414.        end;
  1415. end;
  1418.   Procedure peepholeopt(AsmL : paasmoutput);
  1420.     Procedure FindLoHiLabels;
  1421.     {Walks through the paasmlist to find the lowest and highest label number;
  1422.      Since 0.9.3: also removes unused labels}
  1423.     Var LabelFound: Boolean;
  1424.         P, hp1: Pai;
  1425.     Begin
  1426.       LabelFound := False;
  1427.       LoLab := MaxLongint;
  1428.       HiLab := 0;
  1429.       p := Pai(AsmL^.first);
  1430.       While Assigned(p) Do
  1431.         Begin
  1432.           If (Pai(p)^.typ = ait_label) Then
  1433.             If (Pai_Label(p)^.l^.is_used)
  1434.               Then
  1435.                 Begin
  1436.                   LabelFound := True;
  1437.                   If (Pai_Label(p)^.l^.nb < LoLab) Then
  1438.                   LoLab := Pai_Label(p)^.l^.nb;
  1439.                   If (Pai_Label(p)^.l^.nb > HiLab) Then
  1440.                   HiLab := Pai_Label(p)^.l^.nb;
  1441.                 End
  1442.               Else
  1443.                 Begin
  1444.                   hp1 := pai(p^.next);
  1445.                   AsmL^.Remove(p);
  1446.                   Dispose(p, Done);
  1447.                   p := hp1;
  1448.                   continue;
  1449.                 End;
  1450.           p := pai(p^.next);
  1451.         End;
  1452.       If LabelFound
  1453.         Then LabDif := HiLab+1-LoLab
  1454.         Else LabDif := 0;
  1455.     End;
  1457.     Procedure BuildLabelTable;
  1458.     {Builds a table with the locations of the labels in the paasmoutput}
  1459.     Var p: Pai;
  1460.     Begin
  1461.       If (LabDif <> 0) Then
  1462.         Begin
  1463.           If (MaxAvail >= LabDif*SizeOf(Pai))
  1464.             Then
  1465.               Begin
  1466.                 GetMem(LTable, LabDif*SizeOf(Pai));
  1467.                 FillChar(LTable^, LabDif*SizeOf(Pai), 0);
  1468.                 p := pai(AsmL^.first);
  1469.                 While Assigned(p) Do
  1470.                   Begin
  1471.                     If (Pai(p)^.typ = ait_label) Then
  1472.                       LTable^[Pai_Label(p)^.l^.nb-LoLab] := p;
  1473.                     p := pai(p^.next);
  1474.                   End;
  1475.               End
  1476.             Else LabDif := 0;
  1477.         End;
  1478.     End;
  1480.   Begin
  1481.     FindLoHiLabels;
  1482.     BuildLabelTable;
  1483.     DoOptimize(AsmL);
  1484.     DoOptimize(AsmL);
  1485.     If LabDif <> 0 Then Freemem(LTable, LabDif*SizeOf(Pai));
  1486.     ReloadOpt(AsmL)
  1487.   End;
  1489. End.
  1490. {
  1491.   $Log: aopt386.pas,v $
  1492.   Revision  1998/04/24 22:24:28  jonas
  1493.     * wrong 'sub esp,2; pushw const' optimize fixed
  1495.   Revision  1998/04/12 19:59:52  jonas
  1496.   *** empty log message ***
  1498.   Revision 1.3  1998/03/29 17:27:58  florian
  1499.     * aopt386 compiles with TP
  1500.     * correct line number is displayed, if a #0 is in the input
  1502.   Revision 1.2  1998/03/28 23:09:53  florian
  1503.     * secondin bugfix (m68k and i386)
  1504.     * overflow checking bugfix (m68k and i386) -- pretty useless in
  1505.       secondadd, since everything is done using 32-bit
  1506.     * loading pointer to routines hopefully fixed (m68k)
  1507.     * flags problem with calls to RTL internal routines fixed (still strcmp
  1508.       to fix) (m68k)
  1509.     * #ELSE was still incorrect (didn't take care of the previous level)
  1510.     * problem with filenames in the command line solved
  1511.     * problem with mangledname solved
  1512.     * linking name problem solved (was case insensitive)
  1513.     * double id problem and potential crash solved
  1514.     * stop after first error
  1515.     * and=>test problem removed
  1516.     * correct read for all float types
  1517.     * 2 sigsegv fixes and a cosmetic fix for Internal Error
  1518.     * push/pop is now correct optimized (=> mov (%esp),reg)
  1520.   Revision  1998/03/25 11:18:12  root
  1521.   * Restored version
  1523.   Revision 1.29  1998/03/24 21:48:29  florian
  1524.     * just a couple of fixes applied:
  1525.          - problem with fixed16 solved
  1526.          - internalerror 10005 problem fixed
  1527.          - patch for assembler reading
  1528.          - small optimizer fix
  1529.          - mem is now supported
  1531.   Revision 1.28  1998/03/19 18:57:05  florian
  1532.     * small fixes applied
  1534.   Revision 1.27  1998/03/18 22:50:10  florian
  1535.     + fstp/fld optimization
  1536.     * routines which contains asm aren't longer optimzed
  1537.     * wrong ifdef TEST_FUNCRET corrected
  1538.     * wrong data generation for array[0..n] of char = '01234'; fixed
  1539.     * bug0097 is fixed partial
  1540.     * bug0116 fixed (-Og doesn't use enter of the stack frame is greater than
  1541.       65535)
  1543.   Revision 1.26  1998/03/10 23:48:35  florian
  1544.     * a couple of bug fixes to get the compiler with -OGaxz compiler, sadly
  1545.       enough, it doesn't run
  1547.   Revision 1.25  1998/03/10 01:17:14  peter
  1548.     * all files have the same header
  1549.     * messages are fully implemented, EXTDEBUG uses Comment()
  1550.     + AG... files for the Assembler generation
  1552.   Revision 1.24  1998/03/04 19:09:59  jonas
  1553.     * fixed incompatibility with new code generator concerning "mov mem, reg; mov reg, edi" optimization
  1555.   Revision 1.23  1998/03/03 22:37:09  peter
  1556.     - uses errors
  1558.   Revision 1.22  1998/03/03 14:48:31  jonas
  1559.     * added errors to the uses clause (required for aopt386.inc)
  1561.   Revision 1.21  1998/03/02 21:35:15  jonas
  1562.     * added comments from last update
  1564.   Revision 1.20  1998/03/02 21:29:04  jonas
  1565.    * change "mov reg, mem; cmp x, mem" to "mov reg, mem; cmp x, reg"
  1566.    * change "and x, reg; jxx" to "test reg, x; jxx" (also allows some extra reloading opts)
  1569.   Revision 1.19  1998/03/02 01:47:58  peter
  1570.     * renamed target_DOS to target_GO32V1
  1571.     + new verbose system, merged old errors and verbose units into one new
  1572.       verbose.pas, so errors.pas is obsolete
  1574.   Revision 1.18  1998/02/27 16:33:26  florian
  1575.     * syntax errors and line too long errors fixed
  1577.   Revision 1.17  1998/02/26 17:20:31  jonas
  1578.     * re-enabled mov optimizations, re-commented out the "mov mem, reg1; mov mem, reg2" optimization
  1580.   Revision 1.16  1998/02/26 11:56:55  daniel
  1581.   * New assembler optimizations commented out, because of bugs.
  1582.   * Use of dir-/name- and extstr.
  1584.   Revision 1.15  1998/02/25 14:08:30  daniel
  1585.   * Compiler uses less memory. *FIX*
  1587.   Revision 1.14  1998/02/25 12:32:12  daniel
  1588.   * Compiler uses even less memory.
  1590.   Revision 1.13  1998/02/24 21:18:12  jonas
  1591.     * file name back to lower case
  1593.   Revision 1.2  1998/02/24 20:32:11  jonas
  1594.     * added comments from latest commit
  1596.   Revision 1.1  1998/02/24 20:27:50  jonas
  1597.     + change "cmp $0, reg" to "test reg, reg"
  1598.     + add correct line numbers to Pai386 objects created by the optimizer
  1599.     * dispose TReference of second instructions optimized from "mov mem, reg1; mov
  1600.      mem, reg2" to "mov mem, reg; mov reg1, reg2"
  1601.     + optimize "mov mem, reg1; mov reg1, reg2" to "mov mem, reg2" if reg1 <> esi
  1602.     - disabled changing "mov mem, reg1; mov mem reg2" to "mov mem reg1; mov reg1,
  1603.      reg2" because of conflict with the above optimization
  1604.     + remove second instruction from "mov mem, reg; mov reg, %edi" because edi isn't
  1605.      used anymore afterwards
  1606.     + remove first instruction from "mov %eax, x(%ebp); leave/ret" because it is a
  1607.      write to either a parameter or a temporary function result
  1608.     + change "mov reg1, reg2; mov reg2, mem" to "mov reg1, mem" if reg2 <> esi
  1609.     + change "mov reg1, reg2; test/or reg2, reg2; jxx" to "test/or reg1, reg1" if
  1610.      reg2 <> esi
  1611.     + change "mov reg1, reg2; test/or reg2, reg2" to "mov reg1, reg2; test/or reg1,
  1612.      reg1" to avoid a read/write pnealty if reg2 = esi
  1613.     * took FindLoHiLabel and BuildLabelTable out of the main loop, so they're both
  1614.      called only once per code fragment that has to be optimized
  1616.   Revision 1.12  1998/02/19 22:46:55  peter
  1617.     * Fixed linebreaks
  1619.   Revision 1.11  1998/02/13 10:34:32  daniel
  1620.   * Made Motorola version compilable.
  1621.   * Fixed optimizer
  1623.   Revision 1.10  1998/02/12 17:18:51  florian
  1624.     * fixed to get remake3 work, but needs additional fixes (output, I don't like
  1625.       also that aktswitches isn't a pointer)
  1627.   Revision 1.9  1998/02/12 11:49:39  daniel
  1628.   Yes! Finally! After three retries, my patch!
  1630.   Changes:
  1632.   Complete rewrite of psub.pas.
  1633.   Added support for DLL's.
  1634.   Compiler requires less memory.
  1635.   Platform units for each platform.
  1637.   Revision 1.8  1998/02/10 21:57:21  peter
  1638.     + mov [mem1],reg1;mov [mem1],reg2 -> mov [mem1],reg1;mov reg1,reg2
  1639.     + mov const,[mem1];mov [mem1],reg -> mov const,reg;mov reg,[mem1]
  1641.   Revision 1.7  1998/02/07 10:10:34  michael
  1642.     + superfluous AND's after MOVZX' removed
  1643.     + change "subl $2, %esp; ... ; pushw x" to "pushl x"
  1644.     + fold "subl $const, %esp; subl $2, %esp" into one instruction
  1646.   Revision 1.5  1998/02/02 17:25:43  jonas
  1647.     * back to CVS version; change "lea (reg1), reg2" to "mov reg1, reg2"
  1650.   Revision 1.2  1997/12/09 13:19:36  carl
  1651.   + renamed pai_labeled --> pai_labeled
  1653.   Revision  1997/11/27 08:32:50  michael
  1654.   FPC Compiler CVS start
  1656.   Pre-CVS log:
  1658.   FK   Florian Klampfl (FK)
  1659.   JM   Jonas Maebe
  1661.   + feature added
  1662.   - removed
  1663.   * bug fixed or changed
  1665.   History (started with version 0.9.0):
  1666.        5th november 1996:
  1667.          * adapted to 0.9.0
  1668.       30th december 1996:
  1669.          * runs with 0.9.1
  1670.       25th July 1996:
  1671.          + removal of superfluous "test %reg, %reg" instructions (JM)
  1672.       28th July 1997:
  1673.          + change "shl $1, %reg" to "add %reg, %reg" (not working) (JM)
  1674.          * fixed bugs in test optimization (tested and working) (JM)
  1675.       29th July 1997:
  1676.          * fixed some pointer bugs in SHL optimization, but it still doesn't
  1677.            work :( (JM)
  1678.       30th July 1997:
  1679.          + change "sar const1, %reg; shl const2, %reg" to one statement (JM)
  1680.          * I finally correctly understand the structure of the pai(386)
  1681.            object <g> and fixed the shl optimization (tested and working) (JM)
  1682.       31th July 1997:
  1683.          + removal of some superfluous reloading of registers (not working) (JM)
  1684.        4th August 1997:
  1685.          * fixed reloading optimization (thanks Florian!) (JM)
  1686.        6th August 1997:
  1687.          + removal of labels which are not referenced by any instruction
  1688.            (allows for easier and better optimization), but it is slow :( (JM)
  1689.        8th August 1997:
  1690.          - removed label-removal procedure as it seems to be impossible to
  1691.            find out if there are labels which are referenced through a jump
  1692.            table (JM)
  1693.       15th August 1997:
  1694.          + removal of superfluous "or %reg, %reg" instructions (JM)
  1695.       22th september 1997:
  1696.          * test is also removed if it follows neg, shl and shr (FK)
  1697.          - removed the sar/shl optimization because:
  1698.              movl $0xff,%eax
  1699.              shrl $0x3,%eax
  1700.              shll $0x3,%eax
  1702.                => EAX is $0xf8  !!!   (FK)
  1703.       23th September 1997:
  1704.          + function FindLabel() so sequences like "jmp l2;l1:;l2:" can be
  1705.            optimized (JM)
  1706.       24th September 1997:
  1707.          + successive jumps reduced to one jump (see explanation at
  1708.            GetFinalDestination). Works fine, but seems to enlarge the code...
  1709.            I suppose because there are more >128 bytes-jumps and their opcodes
  1710.            are longer. If (cs_littlesize in aktwitches^), this optimization is
  1711.            not performed (JM)
  1712.       26th September 1997:
  1713.          * removed the "Var" in front of the parameters of InsertLLItem, which
  1714.            had introduced the need for the temp var p1 (also removed) (JM)
  1715.          * fixed a bug in FindLabel() that caused false positives in some
  1716.            cases (JM)
  1717.          * removed the unit systems from the uses clause because it isn't
  1718.            needed anymore (it was needed for the label-removal procedure) (JM)
  1719.          * adapted for 0.9.3 and 0.9.4 (still bugged) (JM)
  1720.       27th September 1997:
  1721.          * fixed 0.9.3+ related bugs (JM)
  1722.          * make peepholeopt optimize the code twice, because after the first
  1723.            pass several labels can be removed (those unset by
  1724.            GetFinalDestination) which sometimes allows extra optimizations
  1725.            (not when (cs_littlesize in aktswitches^), because then
  1726.            GetFinalDestination is never called)) (JM)
  1727.        1st October 1997:
  1728.          * adapted to use with tp (tlabeltable too large and lines to long) (FK)
  1729.          + removal of dead code (which sits between a jmp and the next label), also
  1730.            sometimes allows some extra optimizations during the second pass (JM)
  1731.        2nd October 1997:
  1732.          + successive conditional jumps reduced to one jump (JM)
  1733.         3rd October 1997:
  1734.          * made FindLabel a little shorter&faster (JM)
  1735.          * make peepholeopt always go through the code twice, because the dead
  1736.            code removal can allow some extra optimizations (JM)
  1737.        10th October 1997:
  1738.          * optimized remove_mov code a little (JM)
  1739.        12th October 1997:
  1740.          * bugfixed remove_mov change (JM)
  1741.        20th October 1997:
  1742.          * changed the combiTmpBoolnation of two adds (which replaced "shl 2, %reg")
  1743.            to a "lea %reg, (,%reg,4)" if the register is 32 bit (JM)
  1744.        21th October 1997:
  1745.          + change movzx to faster equivalents (not working) (thanks to Daniel
  1746.            Mantoine for the initial idea) (JM)
  1747.        30th October 1997:
  1748.          * found out that "shl $const, %reg" is a pairable instruction after
  1749.            all and therefore removed the dual "add %reg, %reg" sequences (JM)
  1750.          * replace "shl $3, %reg" with "lea %reg, (,%reg,8)" (JM)
  1751.         2nd November 1997:
  1752.          * fixed movzx replacements (JM)
  1753.         3rd November 1997:
  1754.          * some changes in the optimization logic to generate better PPro
  1755.            code (JM)
  1756.          * change two consecutive 16 bit immediatie pushes to one 32 bit push
  1757.            (thanks to Synopsis for the suggestion) (JM)
  1758.         4th November 1997:
  1759.          + replace some constant multiplies with lea sequences (suggestion from
  1760.            Synopsis, Daniel Mantoine and Florian Klaempfl) (JM)
  1761.         5th November 1997:
  1762.          * finally bugfixed sar/shl optimization and reactivated it (JM)
  1763.          + some extra movzx optimizations (JM)
  1764.         6th November 1997:
  1765.          + change shl/add/sub sequences to one lea instruction if possible (JM)
  1766.          * bugfixed some imul replacements (JM)
  1767.        30th November 1997:
  1768.          * merge two consecutive "and $const, %reg"'s to one statement (JM)
  1769.         5th December 1997:
  1770.          + change "mov $0, %reg" to "xor %reg, %reg" (JM)
  1771.          * adapted to TP (typecasted pointer to longint for comparisons
  1772.            and one line too long) (JM)
  1773. }